Click on image for a better view.
Status: unfinished
Acrylic and ink on paper
18" x 50"
I wanted to leave you all with something a little special before I go off to New York for a week. So although, it's not finished and the reproduction is awful, I'm still posting the first painting in a series entitled "Farangi Rang Barangi".
"Farangi" is Persian word for foreigners, but is also used in Hindi and Urdu to mean the same thing. "Rang Barangi" is a Hindi/Punjabi colloquialism that means "colourful".
This new work is about exploring the ways in which clothing and dress express otherness, difference and belonging. It is not so much about the wearer as it is about the worn. It is also a celebration of Eastern textile arts, Indian femininity, and feminist genealogies where the passing down of jewelery and clothing from grandmother to mother to daughter is an old and sacred tradition.
Stay tuned for a better repro and a finished painting soon when I return.